Rhyce Erickson

i'm happy to be here


Machine Learning-NBA

  • Description: Exploration in machine learning using NBA basketball
    game data in effort to predict game outcomes.
  • Technologies: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JupyterNotebook
  • Project Repository

Weather Dashboard


  • Description: Search a company's stock information and
    view relavent articles
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Project Repository


  • Description: A decision-making tool for groups of friends planning
    their next hangout
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React, Node, Atlas
  • Project Repository

Code Quiz

Tech Blog

  • Description: Use the tech-blog to ask tech-related questions or write
    about your latest projects. View community posts and add comments.
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, Sequelize,
    handlebars, Heroku, MongoDB, Atlas
  • Project Repository

Cashflow Game Sheet

  • Description: Inspired by Cashflow, a personal finance board game
    Can you achieve passive income greater than your total expenses?
  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Local Storage
  • Project Repository
    Deployed Project