Rhyce Erickson

i'm happy to be here

Full-Stack Web Development & Data Analytics

My experience with the following tools comes from the University of Minnesota Data Visualization & Analytics and Full-Stack Web development bootcamps along with work in backend development as a Technology Leader Program participant for Target corp.

Microsoft Excel

Macros, Pivot Tables



JupyterNotebook, Pandas, Matplotlib,
Flask, BeautifulSoup, Scikit-learn, Turtle





PostGres SQL, MySQL, MongoDB



JQuery, Leaflet, React, Node, Express



FlexBox, BootStrap

Mentoring & Tutoring

Throughout my journey of becoming a developer, I've had the fortune of terrific teachers and mentors guiding me on my way. In the spirit of paying it forward, I offer tutoring and/or mentoring sessions for beginner coders. I've always loved sharing the joy of learning and have over 100 hours of tutoring experience.